Tuesday, September 17, 2024


I'm lying on an orange velvet lounge watching the evening sky over Umeå.

We've been staying in a city apartment above a shopping centre called Utopia. Almost 2 weeks have passed since see first arrived (amongst tears and hugs) to see our beautiful daughter. 

She has been living in Umeå for just over a year. I'm so proud of her bravery and sense of adventure! To move to a foreign land ( and not speak their language initially) was an incredible thing to do! 

We love this country too - it's beauty and history. Next time I'll write about the aurora - magical and awesome hardly begin to describe what we saw!

Thursday, July 18, 2024

My moon child

On this day, 40 years ago, I became a mother for the first time. The arrival of my baby girl at 10 minutes to midnight, heralded the start of a whole new life - and the beginning of a whole new me.

 I was new mum living in a small central Queensland town,  far from family and friends. It was a tough gig. I was so young and had no idea what I was doing! My husband at the time knew even less than me!

When all else failed, I would breast feed my beautiful baby girl. That I could do - it came easily to me. (Little did I know then that I would be breast feeding for around 16 years of my life!!)

What an amazing little girl we'd produced. She was sweet, kind, sensitive, loved animals, books and pretending. From an early age her drawings were exceptional.

And today she is 40. How did so much time go by so quickly? 

Now she has teenagers of her own. My girl is still sweet, kind, an animal lover and now runs a successful business using her exceptional creativity. 

I am so proud of her.

And what about me? Well, I'm older - and hopefully a bit wiser. My daughter has taught me to love unconditionally, to be there but not to be overbearing, to be supportive when it's needed and to give space when required. 

Our children come through us, not from us.  They are who they are right from the moment of birth. 

Motherhood has made me both softer and harder. It's made me strong but vulnerable. The depth of love that we feel for our kids is sometimes so painful. We know they'll never love us the way we love them - and neither should they. 

Our children  create their own masterpiece - themselves. We have the privilege of watching and loving the artist at work.

Friday, April 26, 2024

Letting go


I have always struggled with forgiveness - towards my self and others. I think the core of unforgiveness is not being able to let go.

Letting go is scary because hanging on to all that perceived wrong doing has become so much a part of who I am.

I read recently that forgiveness is like a spiral. We forgive, then something happens to remind us of our experience and the spiral takes us right back to where we were before.

I made some poor decisions a very long time ago that impact my life in so many ways to this day.

Forgiving that naive young woman is really hard. I sometimes imagine going back in time as my middle aged self and giving young me a huge hug. I'd look into the unlined eyes of young Lizzie and tell her that I love her and that I understand why she's chosen this path - and that I forgive her for the pain up ahead.

Young me made a decision based on values I held back then. Yet I know deep inside there was a voice ( future me?) trying to get through to me - a voice I rationalized away...

A beautiful brave friend tried to give me a reality check but I became defensive and angry.

Being constantly weighed down by guilt is no way to live. It stifles my energy, interferes with my sleep, zaps my creativity and keeps me chained to the past.

The unforgiveness I harbour towards close family also causes pain and angst. Can I apply the same strategy when it comes to those close to me, who have hurt and wounded me?

If I can let go and forgive myself surely I can then release those who I feel  ' owe' me something?

How would it feel to truly let go? What would my life look like? I'd really like to find out...